Saturday 23 February 2008

B-2 stealth bomber crashes: Pilots flew drunk

This was an accident waiting to happen. The aircraft crashed after take-off from the Anderson Airforce base in Guam, costing the United States government $1.2 billion.

Shown in the picture are the two pilots on an earlier mission, taken from the camera of a mobile phone. It shows clearly the happy-go-lucky attitude of the pilots and their total disregard for their safety and the safety of others.

It is known that both pilots had ejected from the aircraft, what is not known at this time however is at which point they chose to eject. It is suspected that the pilots may have ejected without cause - leaving the bomber un-attended.

One pilot was taken to a nearby naval hospital where his condition is said to be stable. A nurse working at the hospital recalls the overwhelming stench of rum and the pilots childlike facination with her breasts - "We had to sedate him".

An US Airforce spokesman spoke to Globodyne over the matter - "We choose only the best to pilot our stealth bombers, so obvioulsy someone has made a mistake somewhere. Since the incident occured we've had to do a lot of research into the pilots in question, the fact that they were lovers has come as a shock to the airforce, and it can only be assumed that this was an interference during long range missions."

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